ul. Domaniewska 47, IIp. lok. 204 02-672 Warszawa tel.: 510 033 594


Dear Sirs,

our law firm offers comprehensive services in the field of legal consultancy, giving written and oral opinions, conducting training, audits of legal analyses and conducting before administrative, registration and court authorities all cases included in the client’s order.

The scope of services provided by the Office is always individually tailored to the needs of the client and the specific case.

Each case entrusted to our Law Firm is subjected to a thorough legal analysis allowing us to recommend the safest and most convenient solution.

Depending on the results of the analysis and the Client’s expectations, the Office offers assistance both comprehensively for the entire case and at each of its individual stages.

Within the scope of legal counselling, the Law Office provides legal assistance by, among others:

  • providing legal advice and information,
  • preparation and analysis of documents, including contracts and opinions,
  • preparation of comprehensive legal opinions,
  • preparation of court and official pleadings,
  • debt recovery,
  • participation in mediations, negotiations and other talks.

Our Law Firm also provides comprehensive legal services for enterprises (business offer) tailored to specific business realities and needs.

We offer you a professional and modern attitude to each issue.

At the same time, we have a diversified form of remuneration for our lawyers as follows:

  • legal subscriptions,
  • legal services packages – a modern and innovative concept in the offering of legal services. It is a form of private lawyer in which you receive a number of services, the so-called “package” to be used for 4 years with a guarantee of immediate action,
  • a flat-rate fee,
  • in some cases we agree on a success fee ,
  • individually priced legal services for a specific legal problem

We invite you to familiarise yourself with the main areas of the Law Firm’s activity by selecting an appropriate tab from the menu on the left.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the scope of services provided, please do not hesitate to contact us directly; we will be happy to answer them.

  • Professional analysis of the case and drafting of a compliant plaintiff’s complaint,
  • Active participation in the proceedings – only the lawyer can review the case file at any stage of the proceedings, this allows you to stay informed about the status of the case,
  • Lawyer can attend witness hearings and ask questions through the judge,
  • He/she keeps abreast of the next stages of the process, helps to select the appropriate evidence, makes relevant replies to the letters of the parties, the attorneys and the marriage counsel,
  • Has the right to submit a defence speech in writing and to submit a reply to the marriage guardian’s or the advocate’s voice,
  • Has a legal obligation to file an appeal unless the mandatee does not agree and so wishes,
  • Promotes speed and efficiency in the proceedings
We provided assistance
We provide services to regular entrepreneurs
Ecclesiastical matters
We accept card payments

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